Sunday, February 14, 2010

We've Moved!

We've moved! Here is a link to the new and improved cyndi farRare Images blog:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Baby L Part 1 ~ Syracuse Newborn Photographer

Here is part one of my session with Baby L. I swear he is just absolutely perfect. Enjoy!

Even Big Sis M got in on the action! ;-)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

W Family Sneak Peek ~ Syracuse Family Photographer

This morning I had the absolute pleasure of photographing the W Family! Here is a sneak peek from their session. Stay tuned for more!

Friday, February 5, 2010

S Family Part 2 ~ Syracuse Family Photographer

This was such a hard session for me to edit down! I swear I could photograph this family all day long! Thanks S Family for allowing me to come to your home to capture your Rare Images!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baby L Sneak Peek ~ Syracuse Newborn Photographer

Yesterday I had the pleasure of photographing Baby L. He is just three weeks old, and was an absolute dream to work with! Here are just a few of my favorites. Stay tuned for more!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

S Family Part 1 ~ Syracuse Family Photographer

Here is Part 1 of the S Family Photo Session. I swear these two little ones could be models!
I seriously found myself saying "oh they are so yummy" several times. Hope you enjoy just some of their Rare Images!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Q&A ~ Image Selection and Histograms

It's that time again to answer a few questions I've gotten in the last week. Thanks for sending me your questions, btw! I love to help out in any way I can, so keep those questions coming. Once I get a few, I'll post another Q&A post.

1. How do you select which image to use?
I don't think there is any real science to this for me, but here is my workflow. First, I load all my pictures onto my computer, and import them into a software program called Lightroom. Lightroom has a rating system, so you can quickly run through all your images and rate them on a scale of 1 star to 5 stars. I typically rate 1-3. 1- maybe, 2- like, 3 love. Some may ask, why have a maybe? Well, I have a hoarding problem...I kid (maybe). Seriously though, I have been able to make some fun artistic images out of those maybes.

After I rate them, I'll immediately start to edit my 3 star images. By the time I've fully edited those in both Lightroom and Photoshop, I've been away from the initial emotional connection I may have with some of the images, and I can be a bit more objective and critical of the shot. Try it for yourself. If you take a ton of pictures of your kids, only pick 3 to edit. Don't look at the remaining images for 24 hours or so, then come back and see if you still love all of those images. The question I ALWAYS ASK myself is "Would I hang this picture on my wall? Is this art?" Try to be really honest with yourself.

2. What is a histogram?
A histogram is a great way of evaluating whether the lighting in your image is balanced, and if you are utilizing your camera's full dynamic range of highlights and shadows. Too much? Hm...simply put, it tells you if your shadows and highlights are over or underexposed. Does your image have detail in the shadows? Is there any detail being shown in a black shirt, for instance? Or for highlights (think your whites), can you see definition in the lights areas of your image? Can you see a clear definition in a white shirt?

Most digital camera's give you the ability to see your histogram. There are four columns on a histogram (Blacks, Fill Light, Recovery, Highlights) Think of it as the color range from black to white. (Black, Grey, Light Grey, White). After you take a picture, check your histogram for that image. If you can see spikes in all four columns, then you have a nice dynamic image. Good job! If not, take the shot again, but try to improve your shot based on what your histogram told you. If there is no evidence of blacks, then try lowering your exposure to improve your shot, or change your angle of your shot to ensure you have both shadows and highlights in your image. It really does make a HUGE difference in the quality of your image.

As promised, I never blog without a photo. Here is another one of my favorites from yesterday's session with the S Family. How freaking adorable is this family?
(photoshop geeks, does anyone have a suggestion on getting your web quality images sharper? they look great in photoshop, but then when i upload it to the web they get blurry. it's driving me crazy!)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

S Family Sneak Peek ~ Syracuse Area Family Photographer

How lucky am I to have friends with such cute kids? I have known the S family since their oldest was just a few months old, so it was a real joy to capture their little spirits today! Here is a sneak peek of their session. More images to come later this week!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Putting a Price on Your Time

I debated talking about this to the Internet world; however, the blogs I love the most are the ones that are real. And as I set up my business this is a real issue I am working through. While this is not about photography, it is concerning starting a business, so hopefully someone will relate! If not, I do apologize for what you are about to read... ;-)

So I ask the question:
What is the price you would put on your time?

I have actually had to struggle with this, because while I adore my new found passion, it is taking me away from my family and other fun activities. (like cleaning my house! LOL. Bet you could hear my laughter from your house!) But seriously, while I want to keep my prices affordable, I have to also take into account how much my hourly rate is, and is that worth taking me away from spending time with my kids, hubby or Private Practice! (I'm kidding Taye, I will always find a way to make time for you!) Oh...sorry bout that, back to business...

Before I was a "serious" photographer I didn't quite grasp how much time it takes to produce top quality pictures. I always laughed at how much photographers wanted to charge, until I was in their shoes. Taking into account what I charge divided by just the time it takes me to do a session and edit all the shots...I am making.....wait for it...$4 a hour! Ugh. My babysitter gets paid more than that even when my kids are sleeping!

Now hopefully as I improve my skills, my time to shoot and edit photos will become more efficient, and I can at least make what my babysitter makes. haha. Agh. So, this is what this newly small business owner is struggling with...all I have to say is it's a good thing this is my passion! haha

Now back to the photography side (you know the fun side), here is a new contrasting editing method I learned today.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hand Painting Technique - Syracuse Area Photographer

So today I learned a new technique called hand painting. It's cute technique that you do in Photoshop that can take some possible throw away shots into yummy little images!

Here is the original image. Make your retouches to taste. Then set your history brush to your last change in your history tab.

Next step is to run a Channel Mixer, and select a setting to taste. The image below is a BW with a Red adjustment. Then run a Levels filter, and adjust your levels to taste. Then flatten your image.

Next step is then to select the history brush and run your brush over the area you want to color in.

Once you are done coloring in the area, then run a hue/saturation filter and lower your hue so your colors come out faded.
After you have set your hue, run a color adjustment. Add a little red and yellow to give it a slight sepia shade to the image. Finally crop to taste.

Here is the result: