Saturday, January 30, 2010

Putting a Price on Your Time

I debated talking about this to the Internet world; however, the blogs I love the most are the ones that are real. And as I set up my business this is a real issue I am working through. While this is not about photography, it is concerning starting a business, so hopefully someone will relate! If not, I do apologize for what you are about to read... ;-)

So I ask the question:
What is the price you would put on your time?

I have actually had to struggle with this, because while I adore my new found passion, it is taking me away from my family and other fun activities. (like cleaning my house! LOL. Bet you could hear my laughter from your house!) But seriously, while I want to keep my prices affordable, I have to also take into account how much my hourly rate is, and is that worth taking me away from spending time with my kids, hubby or Private Practice! (I'm kidding Taye, I will always find a way to make time for you!) Oh...sorry bout that, back to business...

Before I was a "serious" photographer I didn't quite grasp how much time it takes to produce top quality pictures. I always laughed at how much photographers wanted to charge, until I was in their shoes. Taking into account what I charge divided by just the time it takes me to do a session and edit all the shots...I am making.....wait for it...$4 a hour! Ugh. My babysitter gets paid more than that even when my kids are sleeping!

Now hopefully as I improve my skills, my time to shoot and edit photos will become more efficient, and I can at least make what my babysitter makes. haha. Agh. So, this is what this newly small business owner is struggling with...all I have to say is it's a good thing this is my passion! haha

Now back to the photography side (you know the fun side), here is a new contrasting editing method I learned today.

1 comment:

Carol said...

$4/hr ... I don't think that's even legal.

$7.25/hr = minimum wage

Hopefully over time, the editing won't take as long.