Friday, January 29, 2010

Hand Painting Technique - Syracuse Area Photographer

So today I learned a new technique called hand painting. It's cute technique that you do in Photoshop that can take some possible throw away shots into yummy little images!

Here is the original image. Make your retouches to taste. Then set your history brush to your last change in your history tab.

Next step is to run a Channel Mixer, and select a setting to taste. The image below is a BW with a Red adjustment. Then run a Levels filter, and adjust your levels to taste. Then flatten your image.

Next step is then to select the history brush and run your brush over the area you want to color in.

Once you are done coloring in the area, then run a hue/saturation filter and lower your hue so your colors come out faded.
After you have set your hue, run a color adjustment. Add a little red and yellow to give it a slight sepia shade to the image. Finally crop to taste.

Here is the result:

1 comment:

Carol said...

I love those little feet!