Sunday, January 31, 2010

S Family Sneak Peek ~ Syracuse Area Family Photographer

How lucky am I to have friends with such cute kids? I have known the S family since their oldest was just a few months old, so it was a real joy to capture their little spirits today! Here is a sneak peek of their session. More images to come later this week!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Putting a Price on Your Time

I debated talking about this to the Internet world; however, the blogs I love the most are the ones that are real. And as I set up my business this is a real issue I am working through. While this is not about photography, it is concerning starting a business, so hopefully someone will relate! If not, I do apologize for what you are about to read... ;-)

So I ask the question:
What is the price you would put on your time?

I have actually had to struggle with this, because while I adore my new found passion, it is taking me away from my family and other fun activities. (like cleaning my house! LOL. Bet you could hear my laughter from your house!) But seriously, while I want to keep my prices affordable, I have to also take into account how much my hourly rate is, and is that worth taking me away from spending time with my kids, hubby or Private Practice! (I'm kidding Taye, I will always find a way to make time for you!) Oh...sorry bout that, back to business...

Before I was a "serious" photographer I didn't quite grasp how much time it takes to produce top quality pictures. I always laughed at how much photographers wanted to charge, until I was in their shoes. Taking into account what I charge divided by just the time it takes me to do a session and edit all the shots...I am making.....wait for it...$4 a hour! Ugh. My babysitter gets paid more than that even when my kids are sleeping!

Now hopefully as I improve my skills, my time to shoot and edit photos will become more efficient, and I can at least make what my babysitter makes. haha. Agh. So, this is what this newly small business owner is struggling with...all I have to say is it's a good thing this is my passion! haha

Now back to the photography side (you know the fun side), here is a new contrasting editing method I learned today.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Hand Painting Technique - Syracuse Area Photographer

So today I learned a new technique called hand painting. It's cute technique that you do in Photoshop that can take some possible throw away shots into yummy little images!

Here is the original image. Make your retouches to taste. Then set your history brush to your last change in your history tab.

Next step is to run a Channel Mixer, and select a setting to taste. The image below is a BW with a Red adjustment. Then run a Levels filter, and adjust your levels to taste. Then flatten your image.

Next step is then to select the history brush and run your brush over the area you want to color in.

Once you are done coloring in the area, then run a hue/saturation filter and lower your hue so your colors come out faded.
After you have set your hue, run a color adjustment. Add a little red and yellow to give it a slight sepia shade to the image. Finally crop to taste.

Here is the result:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

B Family ~ Syracuse Area Photographer

Wow! I am absolutely overwhelmed by the support from all of you! I have had a ton of requests to do sessions, and I am absolutely excited about each and every one.

The B Family was so awesome to take the risk of being my first session. We had SO MUCH FUN, and I hope you all enjoy these pictures as much as I have enjoyed working on them.

I have another session for this Sunday, so stayed tuned for more rare images!

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Reads ~ Syracuse Area Photographer

So I've noticed it has been a bit hard on the hubby having a wife move from stay at home mom to photography business owner. Truthfully, I have let the house go. I'm so excited about the business that when the kids nap, I'm working rather than cleaning the house. I was beginning to think Anthony was regretting giving his backing of cyndi farRare Images, until he came home from the grocery store with a few new reads. It actually made my day. Perhaps he is a little excited too. ;-)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Q&A ~ Where Do I Start?

I find this rather funny that I'm doing a Q&A post on my blog already, but I've been asked the same questions by several people in the last 24 hours. So here it goes:

1. What camera do you use?
I have a Nikon D90 right now. (yes, right now. plan on making a pro purchase this year!) I am a Nikon girl for no other reason but that this is the camera my husband bought me for my birthday last year. If I had to go back and start fresh I'd probably go Canon. Hate me if you must. ;-)

2. Are you using any filters or special lenses?
I don't use filters (other than the one's in Photoshop!). Since Christmas I have been solely shooting with my new 50mm 1.4 lens, and man is there a difference! Seriously, if you have never shot with a good prime lens, do it! I'm able to get great depth of field with it, and it allows me to get those crisp shots. Truthfully, my lens and I are still getting to know one another, but I can tell we will be forever friends!

3. I want to become a better photographer. Where should I start?
This is a huge question, but what has helped me most is turning my camera's settings to manual and forcing myself to really understand how aperture, shutter speed and the ISO setting have an impact on my pictures. Then practice every day! I seriously am behind the lens every day capturing something. Then I study it and figure out how to improve on it. If you're a lunatic, like myself, you can't stop till the shot is perfect, and will read everything you can get your hands on to fix the shot.

My daily reading typically consists of about 30 photography blogs (don't be impressed. they are like picture books. not a ton of content, with very pretty pictures.) Getting ideas through other photographers is key. The angle's they use, lighting they suggest, or even tutorials in photoshop. I've learned the most from other photographers! Here are my top 5 blogs:
I am taking a course through the Photography Inst., but it's an online course w/o video instruction. So I don't know if I'd start there. It's heavy on the technical aspect. I've learned a ton, but I'm not sure how much it's impacted my pictures.

Lastly if you can, find yourself a mentor. I have an amazing friend, who has been mentoring me through building my photography business. She's been great at answering both my photography questions, as well as marketing strategies. Love her! Here is her blog:

And sense no post is complete without a shot, here is another sneak peak from yesterday. Oh, and keep emailing me those questions. Once I get a few, I'll do another Q&A post!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

B Family ~ Syracuse Area Photographer

Today I had my first session ever! HOORAY!! I'm looking at just these few pics (more to come) and I am shedding tears. Why? Because I am so proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone and really following my passion! God has blessed me once again!

Okay, so on to the business at hand. The B Family are wonderful friends of ours. I adore these two crazy little men. I had so much fun today trying to keep up with them. Thanks B Family for being my first!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Kitty Love - Syracuse Area Photographer

This afternoon I grabbed the kids to have some fun jumping on Mommy's bed. It turned out to be more about cuddling with the cat.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sad and Beautiful at the Same Time, Right? ~ Syracuse Area Photographer

So with all the snow we got after the New Year, we are a little late on getting the outdoor Christmas stuff down. Yes, central NYers we aren't from here, and don't have that cold sense you do!

According to my late Aunt Joyce you shouldn't take down your holiday decorations till the Super Bowl anyways, so in my mind I'm way ahead of the game! ;-) Sad, I know. With all the snow the holiday decorations look so pretty. Perhaps it's due to the fact I didn't grow up where you had snow for the holidays, or maybe it's my secret inner Cindy Loo Who not giving up on the Christmas spirit. I don't know, but I promise my inner good neighbor will take over this weekend and get everything put away. ;-)

When the Cat's Away the Mice Will Play! ~ Syracuse Area Photographer

So despite my best efforts I came down with the dreaded flu. My husband was amazing! Even though he caught the same bug, he pretty much was a single parent these past few days. So today was the first day I could open my eyes without falling ill, and well looks like the kids had FUN! Note too all mothers, don't get sick. You'll have a mess to pick up when you come back around!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Avoiding the Flu - Syracuse Area Photographer

The flu has taken up resident in our household the past few days. And can I tell you I have had enough of it. Both my children have had it, and I'm just waiting for Momma to get it now. I know you should load up on Vitamin C for colds, but what can you take to avoid the flu? My husband says alcohol kills everything. Hm.... So if you should see me around town a little tipsy, no worries I'm just fighting off the flu. ;-)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

{Snowy Morning Fun} ~ Syracuse Area Photographer

This morning lil man was happy enjoy to join me outside for my daily shoot. He's not so found of getting his picture taken these days, but Momma does the best she can to capture his adventurous spirit.

Photographers: These shots were edited primarily using Photoshop Actions from Totally Rad Actions. Check them out!