Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First B&H Package!!

OMG! It came, it came! My first package from B&H! For those who don't know, B&H is the absolute best place to buy anything related to photography! Every photography book or blog I have read said get your stuff here. So you can imagine how official I feel as a photographer to get a delivery from them. Here is their site:

So what came in that wonderful package? Actually two things that are very affordable. A soft box and a soft screen. Now let me preface this by saying my photography style is to completely use natural light and only use flash as an absolute last resort. Unfortunately I don't live in LA, where there is wonderful sun more days than not. No, I live in snowy Syracuse where a grey sky is just the way of life. So you can imagine how wonderful indoor natural light is here., I decided to try out these two products to soften the light I would get from using a flash. So of course as soon as the kids went to bed, Momma went a shootin to try out these new toys. Here is what I got.

To all photographers, these images are uneditted (gasp!) to best illustrate what these flash tools can do.

1st Shot: I wanted to take a shot w/o a flash using the settings I was planning on using to best illustrate how much a flash helps. This picture was taken with the following settings: 800 ISO, f/4, 1/200 sec

2nd Shot: This was taken with my pop up flash using the same settings as the picture above.

3rd shot: I popped the soft screen right overtop of my pop up flash and kept the same settings as the shots above.

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