Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome to cyndi farRare Images Blog!

Yes, another blog! For those who don't know me, I have a blog for family and friends to keep up with my kids. Since we don't live close to family, the kids blog has been critical for keeping our family up to date on all the crazy antics of my kids! It is through this blog that I started to rediscover my passion for photography.

This year the hubby got me a Nikon D-90, which ignited my creativity and drive for that perfect shot. After posting a few pictures a girlfriend, who owns a photography business in DC, encouraged me to start my own business. (Btw, go check out her blog. Love her work! http://w
ww.jenniferburnsphotographyblog.com/ ) So being the insecure girl that I am, I entered into photography school before taking on building the business. Cause you know you have to be a photography master before you can build a business, NOT!

So now I'm taking photography classes through the Photography Institute, reading about 30 photography blogs a day, watching as many Photoshop & Lightroom tutorials as I can, reading through Digital Photography books, and shooting every day. Oh yeah, and being a stay at home mom too! ;-)

This blog will be a place where you can keep up with what I've learned on my journey to building my photography business. I've challenged myself to shoot every day to help master my technique, and this blog will capture it all.

Since a photography blog wouldn't be the same without a picture, here is a photo of Miss J from a practice session last week.

Check back tomorrow to see what I've learned!

1 comment:

Carol said...

YAY!!! So excited for you!!!